Sunday, September 30, 2007

How To Make Sweet Popcorm

Back to live ..

How you should feel when they find out 7 years of their lives have been thrown in the toilet? Bad right? Well .. .. because you need strength and courage to be happy .. like me .. do you think you have a life ahead of you, where you are sure you will find people worthy of your love and your attenzioni.Io now .. It will do so dear Giuseppe .. I now live my life I get stopped 7 years ago, your lie was huge, I wanted to take all this time just because I loved, but that's enough, you've taken the wrong way ... Goodbye girl!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Do You Need A Receipt To Return At Radio Shack

Liberation! True stories ...

guys .. you are great
know that we can still count on you fills my heart
I recommend you see .. that the Italian army should not be underestimated
especially abroad! The Bliz last night there has been a credit ..
Keep up

Friday, September 21, 2007

Alcahol Posioning Mild


I was out with my friends .. had 2 am .. a friend of mine received a call ..
was the mother, told her she needed urgent need B + blood for a child suffering from leukemia for 17 months .. that blood just me .. I kept inside me began a mixture of pain and happiness .. I began to tremble, my heart went a thousand .. I was scared, but despite all .. we started to rocket to the hospital, along the way called the mother of my friend to know better where to go, she gave us a number to which the code was called .. the north, but we did not care, we were all willing to put that number in viaggio.A no answer and what suspicious, spent some time .. we did the 3 and decided to continue the Research on dopo.L 'just opened his eyes next morning my first thought was to check that number on the internet but did not appear in the lists, I called my friend .. was able to talk to that number .. it was the hospital Florence, we were told that was not true at all and delete messages in the chain .. .. well then you are the mother of my friend received a signal chain with the news that sought an urgent need for blood and thought it well to call his daughter and to spread the word .. this is why thought that the hospital in question was not in Florence but Termoli.Tutto ended in the best way and with the soul at peace, because there was no urgency to know that we all had calmed, but knowing that there are jerks who joke about things like that just makes your arms fall.
From this "adventure" I learned many things .. and I decided to become a blood donor you do not like me .. .. do not wait until something happens you become a donor .. .. I will donate my organs too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Alunimum Boat Replacement Keel

Belive in me! I

Believe In Me

Where did our love?
when things have gone wrong?
or is it just me who are insecure?
I gave everything I could
baby I'm your man
tell me why all this
can not go on
do not know what to do
my heart is worn
I feel like I'm finished
please believe in me
because what I need is that
you believe in me
sleepless nights
infinite struggles
'm trying to achieve your dreams
I will sacrifice to find paradise
but I need to know that you're behind me
can not go on
not I know what to do
my heart is worn
I feel like I'm finished
please believe in me
because what I need is that
you to believe in
me because what I need is that
you to believe in me you believe in me
you believe in me
you believe in me

Monday, September 10, 2007

How To Dress Grunge Style

You Dream

Like a dream at night you came inside me ..
.. have you lived at my side ..
.. everything was so beautiful with you around ..
.. I was finally back to smile ..
.. a smile lost a year ago ..
.. my fault, but I lost it .. cmq
.. now everything has turned into a nightmare ..
.. a nightmare from which I want to take away with me out ..
.. and once we're out ..
.. I will donate a new dream and a new smile ..
.. forever!
I LOVE My Little