Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pokemon Wallpaper Computer

At home! Project finished

Pending the publication of our work, each of us takes on its way! It was not easy to separate after so many days of work together ... I miss you already!
After the project, the port in Sardinia to the heart more than ever! because I had the opportunity to learn more about territory, culture, and to have contact with its inhabitants. Every person I've met in every country, every one of my co-worker and every parcel of Filef, will remain in my heart and in my memory forever!
After the draft, I went to get Sardinian family that told me a bit 'of our family history. I think one of the most exciting things in life is to find their roots.

Magalì Misses

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pattern For Crocheted Waffle Head Band

The project is finished. We collected data and wrote our conclusions on the research. We are now pending review and publication of the final draft!
We have added links, we are in print!

Here are the photos of dinner with friends FILEF (Jan, Dada, Kiki, Stephanie, and Maria Giovanna Mauro). Without their help, this project would not have been possible. Many thanks to you all!!
is also the last group photo before departure of the Saints. We will miss you!!
Lunch with Valentina (above) have a beer with Mary Jane (below)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

24 Monitor Card Reader -dell

Meeting with the Deputy Mayor Francesco Manca

Yesterday morning we received the Councillor Francesco Manca. The meeting was held at the headquarters of the work of Cagliari and the Councillor were also mayors and municipal representatives involved in this project.
During the meeting the Councillor has addressed several points and we had the opportunity to present the work we are doing as part of our project. We talked about the future of the Sardinian clubs in the world and youth initiatives.

Here is the link for those who want to watch the video.

thank everyone for the collaboration of the opportunity they gave us, especially Councillor Francesco Manca. We also thank all the municipal representatives who hosted us and who were present at the meeting.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Milena Velba Speedskating

Traballu duru and bad luck ventana de sa

Although we are tired, work is proceeding very well! We look forward to see what we have committed these weeks.
Tomorrow morning we will present the work of our project alderman and mayors and councilors of the six countries where we conducted our research. We are proud to present our experiences in countries that have known and shared experiences with the above the people of these countries.

boh ... that mean?? I think you just tell the adventures of the camper at this point.

1. We get to Loculi. We park the camper. In the evening we move the campers. Maneuver close. Oops! a pole! Detached the first window. After we parked the camper for the second time we realize that we do not have the right grip to load the camper. The water pump is too short and we can not load the water. No shower for a day and a half! Pu disgusting! Luckily there were Sonia and John to help us!

2. Second day at tomb. Lunch. two of us remain in a motor home and drink coffee. Stuck the second window (this time not to blame ours!). We go to interview but could not close it. We come back and find about 30 flies. We proceed to kill them with slippers. That night unu Sardu bellixeddu locks us know ventana.

3. The same evening Loculi drying the hair dryer in the camper, the current does not work anymore! Everything is resolved thanks to Lula for its inhabitants.

4. Before departing for the prepa breakfast. Help! No gas. Let's change the cylinder. The cooking gas works! Not working anymore! On again. It works! Not working! Cabbage. The lords of Allai very kind to help us solve the problem once again.

5. We get to Serri. we enter the town. another wrong move! Third window smashed! This time the bathroom. No way! A bit 'of scotch and Marisa Federico and help us to "hide" the damage. But not all.

6. We end the interview, we prepare for the presentation. "Who has the keys to the camper?" None! "We do not say anything to Mary Jane!" Marisa helps us to find a country that can help us. After the presentation of all the boys to distract Serri help us to MG. One enters the hole of the window just broken. Luckily, the toilet was closed! Solved this problem too.

You can say it was an adventure. Oioia!
No pictures today! Tomorrow for sure will!

campernauti I (we really deserve that name!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vista Usb Driver For Dcr-trv18

Already in Cagliari!

Hello friends!
Yesterday we arrived at Cagliari in the camper .... the adventure is over :-( we're safe and sound! Hehehe
Now we have started working on data collection, we have to finish everything for tomorrow night, Wish us luck! There
talk to you later!

Monday, November 1, 2010

M Jak Miłosc Sezon 1 Gp3


Hello world! Dolianova yesterday we got to the last village on our way .... we are almost ready to begin collecting data and ' 'analysis of final results.

Yesterday we met the Mayor, Rosanna Laconi, and gave us two beautiful and interesting books on these and Sardinian Dolianova Cellars co-operative.
We did our presentation for the last time last night and we had the opportunity to talk to the people of Dolianova accompanied by sausage, bread carasau, and a cheese typical of the area. We thank the sweet
Malvina you are dealing with us here at Dolianova and that will take us on a tour of historical places here!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Is A Bad Sperm Count

Presentation Mandas!

Last night we made the presentation at City Hall Mandas in the country. Was this the Mayor Umberto Oppus which was very kind to us. We have known of the museums that have given us a bit 'of knowledge about the history of Mandas and also in Sardinia, we have seen a photo exhibition that highlighted the different costumes Sardinian according to different countries. We also saw a museum of ancient Sardinian objects together in an old house in the center of the country.
We are very pleased to have met the people of Mandas, especially to our dear Bridget, who is a fellow of some of us that we helped to remember old times.
thank everyone who joined us at this stage of our project: Roberto, Lucio, Michael, Sebastian and Umberto. We thank Cristina us has prepared some wonderful meals in his farmhouse. A cordial greeting to the Mayor for his kindness and helpfulness.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Disney Store Melbourne


Hello guys! Yesterday morning we arrived in Mandas.
We were greeted by the mayor, Umberto Oppus and the Experiences of theatrical anthropology Sebastian Lucho and Roberta.
Abiamo lunched and dined with them, a nice evening!
Abiamo already started with the interviews and continuaremo this morning, after the presentation!
We talk to you later!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Level Pokemon Up Fast

Nuragico Sanctuary of Santa Vittoria

Thank you Faith for the tour!

A photo of the presentation to

What Are Songs About The Beach


Serri ... The fifth guy is the Mayor.

Blood Blisteron Gum After Flossing

Tweety! How cold!

Help, last night was really cold in Serri !!!!!! However we are very well anyway. Here at
Serri we made friends with a group of kids very active in the country and in intercultural exchanges. They also worked with the FILEF. What togo! Belong to the Association and the Young Bronzetti Look Giavanile the town of Serra.
We also had dinner with the young and the Mayor Samuel Gaviano (the youngest mayor ever!) At the Social Centre. We had a a lot of kids learn how to live Serri and they too seemed very interested in our lives in Argentina and the USA.
The adventures never fail in camper! Of course we thank the children, Marisa, and all those who helped us!

If you look at the links page you will find other links.
A hug to all those who follow us!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Many Calories I'n Shrimp


Hello everyone! we arrived at Serri this morning! We have done interviews with immigrants, migrants and young people ... this evening we will also present the project to the community ... See you later!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hepatitis Sleeping With Dog


now we have found that every country that hosts us has something truly fascinating.
Allai is a beautiful country, well-organized and well cared for. There is no other way to describe it - is wonderful!
In this country of 380 inhabitants have found that there are also many youth initiatives. There was a real cultural exchange, shared with us their activities, such as a short film made by young people of the country and involving all residents in their experience.
Yesterday we presented our project to the town of Allai and we had the opportunity to talk with the locals. We were welcomed with great affection and enthusiasm. We thank the immigrants, emigrants and the boys of the country for their stories and opinions. They help us reach our goal.
So the work goes on, not forgetting to discover every day a new part of the history of Sardinia. Today we saw the Roman Baths and the Archaeological Park of Fordongianus Nuraghe Losa Abbasanta, always close to Allai, accompanied by our guide Mara.
The adventure in a motorhome would not be feasible without the help of people in each municipality. Today we have to thank Toni for helping us with the gas cylinder. Although a bit 'late, we must also thank the guys at Loculi: Gianni, our electrician, and Roberto that there was fixing the window (CBCR "which grows well review ")...
Jokes except, of course we have to thank the town of Allai, administration, Mara and Cristian. We want to congratulate Magalì which has become an honorary citizen of Allai, being the first person in a hundred years to lose to Allai. This is a great honor because there are only three streets are all parallel.

Now some photos from the around the Spa and the Nuraghe of Losa ...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Coconut Oil Must Be Refrigerated?

Departing from Lula:

We were in Lula Saturday and Sunday. From the first moment we received the Mayor, Mr. Gavin Porcu, who kindly offered his help, we know that the activities take place in this country. The Cooperative Duascor, Duoscoros ", has provided the structure, making our stay a lot more comfortable. We had the chance to share a meal together. We thank Antonio and all the guests and workers of the cooperative for the hospitality.
Saturday after lunch we started with the interviews, and around 19:00 we made the presentation of our business.
Sunday we met mine Enattos Sos, the history of this mine is interesting, especially because I managed to get it declared Patrimony of Humanity. Thank you to all the miners who have ruled this visit possible and especially thank the host of Bastian, Experiences of theatrical anthropology to the culture of the town of Lula.
The boys met in niches, have made us a surprise and came to see us at Lula! We spent a wonderful evening together!
to Francis and Mary Jane: Thanks for inviting me to lunch!

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Decorate Crutches


We are collecting the data of our work in niches, but since we had some difficulties with the socket the camper, we had to go to a bar to recharge laptop batteries! (Also because our we took a coffee);)

Half Head And Full Head Highlights


We finalized our work Loculi. 'It was a very good experience, we continued with the interviews with migrants and young people to Loculi, boys with whom, after work, we did a cultural exchange: they have taught us some dance steps and we Sardinian typical Argentine music! Thank you all for your hospitality (especially Pasqualina and Sonia!).

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Adjusting Extra 10 Suspension

We started our activities!

Loculi We arrived at around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. We had a chance to know this wonderful country. In the old town walls are painted by a local artist. We crossed the narrow streets of the historic center amazed by the beauty of the landscape and the mountains behind the houses that you see really old.
Yesterday afternoon we started the interviews. On this occasion, we interviewed four immigrants - people born in Sardinia, who emigrated to other countries for different reasons and then returned to their land of birth.
This morning we made the first presentation in Joint Loculi. We talked about our project, our goal as a group and then we talked about our Sardinian circles - the origin, history, activities, etc..
We thank all the people who have allowed us to know their life stories and those who do so in the coming days.
thank all those who have written in blogs and even to those who read it. For us it is very important for your support. We apologize for yesterday, that we can not write the news for technical reasons (there is no coverage in the country with our key internet).
you soon!
I Campernauti

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Mucinex Safe For The Liver

Tomorrow we're off!

Tomorrow withdraws the RV and then off the streets of Sardinia! Follow us in our adventure ...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling Unusally Irritated

August 4 is

Quarche days from now if it's saying that ER

Sirviö nazzionale nun is eternal

that there will be 'national crisis of governance

And er that Berlusconi is running out.

Pe 'what would be happening

We ringrazziare er

Almighty And they' st'estate uscimo from 'st'inferno

well Ringrazzieremo San Caliendo!

nun But we believe Sirviö mica is stupid!

While there are many people who believe
quer He can, of course, gives the nun!

Pe 'which is sure aritroveremo

The butt of his sacred person

A riscardare portrona the same!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

4 sgorto 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Terry Nappies Adult Size

Caliendo San Li teremotati er in Rome July 7, 2010

Er Sirviö had done so much good

Annand to visit 'the teremotati

Promise' na niutaun pe 'displaced them

Co' television ner dining

E 'nvece there is still' n great slaughter

Pe 'where citizens will disgrazziati

In Rome, if so' yesterday presented

Pe 'calls' de risorve quer brothel!

"So 'five thousand, I know' come on a trip? Or

pe 'saw the big screen playing

Sur acquired influence my house?

I'm going I have to do '. Maro ', mannali away! "

So, people already know teremotate

' were also taken to the turtle dove

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lasagna Covered Or Uncovered While Cooking

The quarrels of ciartroni

After pe 'twenty years has given us
Always the same face, now it appears that ER
Sirviö is' little n' less popular
And remains in one place

Just because electoral vote lead
Nun bit 'of course be deposed
Unless Gianfranco, er subjected
nazzionale recasts the alliance.

But my dear, you do nun illusions
splitting arises from the omelette! We will come back again

Pe 'and this caste usual magnon
equal and that we will find imbarsamata
Co' rump those fixed up 'to portrona!

Monteverdino Fecit Anonymous July 7, 2010 in Rome