Thursday, July 8, 2010

Terry Nappies Adult Size

Caliendo San Li teremotati er in Rome July 7, 2010

Er Sirviö had done so much good

Annand to visit 'the teremotati

Promise' na niutaun pe 'displaced them

Co' television ner dining

E 'nvece there is still' n great slaughter

Pe 'where citizens will disgrazziati

In Rome, if so' yesterday presented

Pe 'calls' de risorve quer brothel!

"So 'five thousand, I know' come on a trip? Or

pe 'saw the big screen playing

Sur acquired influence my house?

I'm going I have to do '. Maro ', mannali away! "

So, people already know teremotate

' were also taken to the turtle dove

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lasagna Covered Or Uncovered While Cooking

The quarrels of ciartroni

After pe 'twenty years has given us
Always the same face, now it appears that ER
Sirviö is' little n' less popular
And remains in one place

Just because electoral vote lead
Nun bit 'of course be deposed
Unless Gianfranco, er subjected
nazzionale recasts the alliance.

But my dear, you do nun illusions
splitting arises from the omelette! We will come back again

Pe 'and this caste usual magnon
equal and that we will find imbarsamata
Co' rump those fixed up 'to portrona!

Monteverdino Fecit Anonymous July 7, 2010 in Rome