Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling Unusally Irritated

August 4 is

Quarche days from now if it's saying that ER

Sirviö nazzionale nun is eternal

that there will be 'national crisis of governance

And er that Berlusconi is running out.

Pe 'what would be happening

We ringrazziare er

Almighty And they' st'estate uscimo from 'st'inferno

well Ringrazzieremo San Caliendo!

nun But we believe Sirviö mica is stupid!

While there are many people who believe
quer He can, of course, gives the nun!

Pe 'which is sure aritroveremo

The butt of his sacred person

A riscardare portrona the same!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

4 sgorto 2010