Monday, February 28, 2011

Brazilian Wax Cost Montreal

The aerial perspective (or atmospheric)

Another phenomenon we can observe and describe easily through the 3 properties of color is the aerial perspective (atmospheric perspective, which I prefer to call).
The first artist to found and was Leonardo da Vinci in the painting "The Annunciation" .

He observed, in fact, that between the observer and an object more distant, overlapping layers of "motes" that make colors appear more clear and less sharp edges (under the part of the background beyond the trees).

Notice how they appear "distant" mountains in the background beyond the trees, with their lighter colors and the edges less sharp
using, in fact, the 3 properties of color, we define more correctly the atmospheric perspective: "an object is farther from the observer, the more its color will appear with a higher tone, a chrome lower, and a solid cooler" .

other hand we can say that the objects in the foreground, or close to the observer's point of view, have a color with a lighter low, a higher chroma and a warmer color.
Therefore, the objects in your cartoons are in the foreground paint the mask with darker colors, warm and saturated with respect to objects in the background and so on up to the background.

If "reversed" this rule, or colored objects in the foreground with the lighter, less saturated and more "cool", "kill" the depth and background objects will be more "out" than objects in the foreground. Error!

This, then, as a result of the "layers of air" that overlap between the observer and the observed object.
According to the studies of optical proper zion Leo, also, the air is denser because it is closer to the ground, as it becomes more "transparent" with height. That's why in the representation of objects that grow in height, they will be more "defined" sharper in their upper part. (If you look, even the sky, it appears lighter near the horizon and becomes more blue "Intense" as you look up).
At the base, the mountains are gradually fading as a result of the air near the ground is denser

Notice the mountains in the background appear more and more "clear" and "blue" as they move away from the point of view of
clear example of progressive aerial perspective, depending on the distance of the mountains from the perspective of the observer
cooler shades, does not necessarily mean color "blue"! Here the atmosphere is very warm, tending to orange, but the colors of the background objects are, rightly, lighter, less saturated and more "cool" than the color of the skyscrapers in the foreground
example of aerial perspective in the video game "Battlefield Bad Company 2 "
Note the colors of the skyscrapers in the background, compared to those in the foreground (Mirror's Edge)