Monday, October 29, 2007

Example For Kaleb In Accrostic

07:08 hours of 28/10/2007

usually when the sky is gray, the mood of the people is grim,
especially those like me who is traveling on a highway empty and has a thousand thoughts in my head ...
as always but I'm different, I will
thousand thoughts, these thoughts
but there you are
and my face is covered with a slight smile grows as I eat km ..
now I look out the sky ..
remained gray ..
but my face is completely covered
a smile ..
the thousand nn c are more thoughts ..
in my head there is only you!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Permutation Problem With Combination Locks

Why did you do that? Lorenzo D'Auria

Our streets are divided into so sharp, I swear I did not want.
In all my years with you I have learned so much .. I learned to love, to hate, I knew jealousy, respect, trust and pain. I found out how humans can react in good and evil and that was all because of you, I discovered the violent reactions of jealousy and negative, reactions to a gentle act of love, I have known fear and love of jealousy, I have known electrical discharges in me, I know ... let's say almost everything about life with a person next to a person that I always treated like a princess, without disrespect, I was careful, I tried to be always close and you do not miss anything, I tried several times to make your dreams come true .. with much happiness I can say that sometimes I did, I could make you daydream and read your sweet face on my success. Always
them .. and these seven long years .. they gave me a lot .. lost them so much and makes me sick.
I promised to take you to heaven, remember? Initially only 10 minutes, well .. My desire was to dedicate the fireworks that ended with the words .. I love my life. Then I changed my mind .. I deserve to stay in heaven forever and turning to the Internet I found a site .. a site where it is possible to buy the stars .. yes .. buy a star, take a name and keep it forever at home there would be a file on a sheet is the name of the star coordinates and dedication .. you've got it right .. are the coordinates to be able to identify the star in the immense sky, the name of the star that is dedicated I LOVE MY , but neither the coordinates nor the dedication you will ever know, now you know that in heaven there is a star dedicated to you, I'll tell you more ... is part of the stars you can see with the naked eye. Now is definitely there and there and no one will ever touch, was sentenced to a life full of loneliness, because now everyone knows exists but nobody knows where it is.
back to before ... I met with you all, and every time you shared with me all my responses, from positive to negative, positive you have made me even more beautiful than they were, the negative with the kindness you have incurred in way that does not make me weigh. Now I know yet another thing, always with you ... the disappointment of a lifetime, how could you? Why did you do this? What happened to you? Tell me please, I want to know what led you to do what you did, why?
In 7 years I would expect everything to you, but not as big a disappointment. This Once my new discovery of this terrible feeling I had to bear alone and you saw where I came, I repeat and I swear I did not want to do it, but you forced me, you had the nerve to lie ahead of me to save the affair with him ... well now I have no more words.
I've read in the face of evil you have done that with my behavior, as I read in his face that you have already forgiven you, so it's definitely a thing of the past and now you're happy with him again. Well I hope you will be so for a very long time.
My love for you will never end , I'll hold you forever in me.
ask you a favor ... you know what the plate ... when the day .. I would like to have half with me, mettimela under the right hand. GOODBYE Small

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gay Cruising Spots In Sayreville Nj

Dying is part of life .. to die on a mission can be part of the life of us military, I was hoping you so much I stayed alive, I had hoped from the first moment I heard that you have been injured, I do not I know, but I can understand what your role that you were like me in this big family because you cared realmente.Non I say goodbye because now you're up there .. you have lost physically, but I know that at any moment you'll be there next, help and protect us, then .. see you soon! Hello Lorenzo

Sunday, September 30, 2007

How To Make Sweet Popcorm

Back to live ..

How you should feel when they find out 7 years of their lives have been thrown in the toilet? Bad right? Well .. .. because you need strength and courage to be happy .. like me .. do you think you have a life ahead of you, where you are sure you will find people worthy of your love and your attenzioni.Io now .. It will do so dear Giuseppe .. I now live my life I get stopped 7 years ago, your lie was huge, I wanted to take all this time just because I loved, but that's enough, you've taken the wrong way ... Goodbye girl!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Do You Need A Receipt To Return At Radio Shack

Liberation! True stories ...

guys .. you are great
know that we can still count on you fills my heart
I recommend you see .. that the Italian army should not be underestimated
especially abroad! The Bliz last night there has been a credit ..
Keep up

Friday, September 21, 2007

Alcahol Posioning Mild


I was out with my friends .. had 2 am .. a friend of mine received a call ..
was the mother, told her she needed urgent need B + blood for a child suffering from leukemia for 17 months .. that blood just me .. I kept inside me began a mixture of pain and happiness .. I began to tremble, my heart went a thousand .. I was scared, but despite all .. we started to rocket to the hospital, along the way called the mother of my friend to know better where to go, she gave us a number to which the code was called .. the north, but we did not care, we were all willing to put that number in viaggio.A no answer and what suspicious, spent some time .. we did the 3 and decided to continue the Research on dopo.L 'just opened his eyes next morning my first thought was to check that number on the internet but did not appear in the lists, I called my friend .. was able to talk to that number .. it was the hospital Florence, we were told that was not true at all and delete messages in the chain .. .. well then you are the mother of my friend received a signal chain with the news that sought an urgent need for blood and thought it well to call his daughter and to spread the word .. this is why thought that the hospital in question was not in Florence but Termoli.Tutto ended in the best way and with the soul at peace, because there was no urgency to know that we all had calmed, but knowing that there are jerks who joke about things like that just makes your arms fall.
From this "adventure" I learned many things .. and I decided to become a blood donor you do not like me .. .. do not wait until something happens you become a donor .. .. I will donate my organs too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Alunimum Boat Replacement Keel

Belive in me! I

Believe In Me

Where did our love?
when things have gone wrong?
or is it just me who are insecure?
I gave everything I could
baby I'm your man
tell me why all this
can not go on
do not know what to do
my heart is worn
I feel like I'm finished
please believe in me
because what I need is that
you believe in me
sleepless nights
infinite struggles
'm trying to achieve your dreams
I will sacrifice to find paradise
but I need to know that you're behind me
can not go on
not I know what to do
my heart is worn
I feel like I'm finished
please believe in me
because what I need is that
you to believe in
me because what I need is that
you to believe in me you believe in me
you believe in me
you believe in me

Monday, September 10, 2007

How To Dress Grunge Style

You Dream

Like a dream at night you came inside me ..
.. have you lived at my side ..
.. everything was so beautiful with you around ..
.. I was finally back to smile ..
.. a smile lost a year ago ..
.. my fault, but I lost it .. cmq
.. now everything has turned into a nightmare ..
.. a nightmare from which I want to take away with me out ..
.. and once we're out ..
.. I will donate a new dream and a new smile ..
.. forever!
I LOVE My Little

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Normal Price For A Brazilian Wax

July 15, 2007 IO Paratrooper!

Vitiligo Specialist Calgary

A true soldier should die ..
.. the last shot ..
last battle .. ..
last war ..!
from the movie Patton

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Letter Of Absent Because We Attend Wedding

Commander ..

The master is the one who gives orders!

A good commander is one who:

is respected, you do not comply ..

is the one who admits mistakes, no, that never makes mistakes ..

is the one who listens to talk and advise the troops, not only from that order ..

is the one who things to teach and learn if knows if you do not know!

A good commander I do not see it here!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sammie B At Peachyforums

patrolling the Forest ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


10/05 to Polygon dropped the bomb ... the two warriors have sparkled

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Funny Wedding Guest Cards

's time to go

's time to get soldiers the night of respite is over,
is livid dawn on the hill,
frozen hands on the weapon
shadow away his face, there is a
rude sergeant who calls.
Death is a cry in the sky
the breath of life light
left in his hair,
is time soldier,
you lost
still enshrines the story.
The light of the lantern
jokes on his face marked,
go slow and flee
shreds of hours away.
Time is that general
you've never met
right now and you have between your fingers
clear that a shiver of light.
will not be enough,
already know that nickel
to buy a pardon,
a fierce cry of fire
a flight broken oblique and
brink rose in the east,
breathe the mysterious silence
over the moon that shines.

Monday, May 21, 2007

What To Serve With Pasta

At my weapon ....

walk down your street and know the time will never go away from you life is not easy
... ... and then you fight in front of you all to tell you that I believe in us because
me you know you're in the soul and music with you I fall I fall
is for you that I never get tired of living a moment, however, will go inside of me you live and sounds ... ...
hear that you'll stay with me forever here so my path will be you'll carry me in you if you want
because for me you know you're in the soul music I will not live without you is not gonna live for you the sun never ceases to shine I will not stop loving you never inside of me You play in front of you so
fight to tell you everything that I believe in us
for me because you know you're in the soul music and not with you I fall I fall for you that the sun never stops shining, however, will go inside of me you live and sounds.