Sunday, October 7, 2007

Permutation Problem With Combination Locks

Why did you do that? Lorenzo D'Auria

Our streets are divided into so sharp, I swear I did not want.
In all my years with you I have learned so much .. I learned to love, to hate, I knew jealousy, respect, trust and pain. I found out how humans can react in good and evil and that was all because of you, I discovered the violent reactions of jealousy and negative, reactions to a gentle act of love, I have known fear and love of jealousy, I have known electrical discharges in me, I know ... let's say almost everything about life with a person next to a person that I always treated like a princess, without disrespect, I was careful, I tried to be always close and you do not miss anything, I tried several times to make your dreams come true .. with much happiness I can say that sometimes I did, I could make you daydream and read your sweet face on my success. Always
them .. and these seven long years .. they gave me a lot .. lost them so much and makes me sick.
I promised to take you to heaven, remember? Initially only 10 minutes, well .. My desire was to dedicate the fireworks that ended with the words .. I love my life. Then I changed my mind .. I deserve to stay in heaven forever and turning to the Internet I found a site .. a site where it is possible to buy the stars .. yes .. buy a star, take a name and keep it forever at home there would be a file on a sheet is the name of the star coordinates and dedication .. you've got it right .. are the coordinates to be able to identify the star in the immense sky, the name of the star that is dedicated I LOVE MY , but neither the coordinates nor the dedication you will ever know, now you know that in heaven there is a star dedicated to you, I'll tell you more ... is part of the stars you can see with the naked eye. Now is definitely there and there and no one will ever touch, was sentenced to a life full of loneliness, because now everyone knows exists but nobody knows where it is.
back to before ... I met with you all, and every time you shared with me all my responses, from positive to negative, positive you have made me even more beautiful than they were, the negative with the kindness you have incurred in way that does not make me weigh. Now I know yet another thing, always with you ... the disappointment of a lifetime, how could you? Why did you do this? What happened to you? Tell me please, I want to know what led you to do what you did, why?
In 7 years I would expect everything to you, but not as big a disappointment. This Once my new discovery of this terrible feeling I had to bear alone and you saw where I came, I repeat and I swear I did not want to do it, but you forced me, you had the nerve to lie ahead of me to save the affair with him ... well now I have no more words.
I've read in the face of evil you have done that with my behavior, as I read in his face that you have already forgiven you, so it's definitely a thing of the past and now you're happy with him again. Well I hope you will be so for a very long time.
My love for you will never end , I'll hold you forever in me.
ask you a favor ... you know what the plate ... when the day .. I would like to have half with me, mettimela under the right hand. GOODBYE Small


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