Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does Pink Go With Lilac


Project for a mobile display system.

The system provides the ability to deploy
items so free, but ordered .

After an analysis of movement flows, in the exhibition, have been identified within the guidelines.

The system can be grouped, dislocated, sparse, but according to a predetermined path
that always leaves unchanged the relationship between objects and the availability of space .....

(In each project I also affects the psychological aspect.
In this case we are dealing with a "free-bound".

Total freedom is unsettling, because it offers endless possibilities,
constraints help reduce the chances. As a social system
we have the illusion of being able to fully decide of our actions ...)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Much Is My Charizard Worth Now



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Menards Shower Doorsinstock


Project for a coworking deisgn + gallery in Florence

Avatar architecture (Pier Paolo Taddei-Nicola Santini) + Matt Sullini

22a22-coworkingdesign-gallery-Firenze/257744012883? r ef = ts

view entry

table: pallet + lam

view from

View from Coworking.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cartier Watches Quart Swiss 20-61323


The Itajia, I know we, is' n ber country

Where libbertà so 'ingrained

then makes even the worst filth

people Er, if you know', he claims nun

is also barely make ends meet

All I know crap 'forgive

Indeed, as a model I know pijiate

And people from the same defenses.

Rubba 'put' weeds, engineer

'co Nsieme' mafia and Piddu,

Corompe 'quarche court, cheating ...

Only' na what is seen as bad ...

- ' I'm the populace has its fixed -

Nun ever made is' co 'n transsexual

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit

in Rome October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Midwives Silver Buckles

Er award

Stavorta what deserves attention is that if

sciorto' n'intricato node

And it is not done The confusion

Anonymous nun hesitate and go hard ar!

Er crooks then Nun corruption

know 'things that makes' clean-cut people

E pe' avoids' 'na grama situazzione

nun who is clean-cut revived er award.

But then the law should they 'equal

Pe' rich, handsome, crippled, ugly bitches and

So he decided the department's legal!

then they will be able to 'trial, as the Presidents

Li farabbutti,

Live From ... before they departed from.

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

October 8, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is My Dental Implant Failing

After the tombs escort

Here in verse the terms of our premier

What will? Mo pe '' na fuck

E quarche journey 'to nsieme du' sguardrine

Pe 'quarche party co' 'little n' de tissue

Me do all those 'scene is?

If I know that I like the potato

And Me 'co ntrattengo' the young ladies.

And since I'm 'end n'omo

I've risponno co' na great laugh.

Now then, pe '' n old cemetery

What I've found in my house ...

noffink by Robba, quarche old tomb!

Whether 'n nun plot is more' n mystery

It 's all envy, jealousy is all

De quarche communist nun trumpet!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Remington 870 18 Inch Barrel

Beware Patrick

Racconterovvi, but no formalized
The story of 'de n'ometto power
What he saw a co' 'n sit
great drink and said to her: "Who is' is embers?

Dovemo remedy 'quest'ingiustizzia, I
scoperolla, this is my er will "
She said:" I agree, but you know what hearts
' n risk that I know 'Patrizzi "

He scopolla, and even without gloves! And then
dimenticolla and Agnedo ar process
While she recorded the whole thing.

E mo, we see that 'I'm just stupid
Sarvar Ce ar sex Grazzi Grazzi
And the whores limb aboard!

Monteverdino fecit Anonymous July 22, 2009 in Rome

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My 8 Month Old Has A Chesty Cough

The gangway Abbruzzo

So, dear friends, how are you?
anonymous I'm fine!
It 's true that there r far we have sun?
It 's true that milk thistle is that it's summer mo?

E Monno er? Worse and worse ... you think? There
far we have had Muamar ner tent
is president and premier partner
Followed by valley fragrant ferst Ledis.

If I can find to cry 'n Notes teremoto
Pe' Nun
artrui misfortunes that so 'shit, but I know' real things.

E co '' is the catwalk, as is well known
Sirviö made himself beautiful, and 'Pure nzieme him
them presidents of trade.

Monteverdino fecit Anonymous July 14, 2009 in Rome

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Linsey Gwan Mckenzie Blog

The sto speakers evolve

Among the treasures of 'Rome is mine, I can guarantee
' which are many, I would mention
'na de May
history Che' ncanta them tourists and passers-by will . And you say nun

mica 'na bucìa!
Here, among the strangest and most 'ntriganti
Ce' is 'na de Rome made poetry that speaks
co' his talking statues!

'Na Vorta were so many,' There nvece now
restenosis three statues arovinate:
Baboon, Pasquino and Luiggi But Abbot

er nun silent people, not is a fool! The voice becomes
if and if you send them on
powerful media internett!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit
in Rome June 10, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bridal Showerrecipe Quotes To Put On Recipes

Rome and trees

Now I want to talk about 'de' na question

Che 'MOUNT little nun who is Roman

But who comes here touches co '

hand And share my opinion.

Once on 'in Colombo and ar Tuscolano

Pe' fall branches, du '

people died senz'artra solution

Allemann said "Er green nun is healthy!

Pe 'as a remedy in the tajiamo "

E tajia lungotevere and ar ar Portuense

Tajia in Parioli, then ar Gianicolense

From north to south in Rome we find me

' Nvece from the shadow that gives us cool

Ceppi, sterpajie, smog and garbage!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit

in Rome June 5 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Australia Drivers Licence Template

questions answered with silence

Ok, so 'been quiet days quarche

V'ho saved by my eloquence

And I can guarantee' that this absence has hurt

Nun 'who is me' round about

'Look well around you Nvece

' N'omo de Milan from

silent on 'national question of decency

While Italy is carded as' n oven

Press, tivvì, gossip

various MPs, actors and lawyers

And er

people divided and without peace

all talking 'of him, while he is silent


The law is stronger than the unequal struggle

One wins and arthritis so' 'nculati

Anonymous Monteverdino fecit in Rome May 27, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sally Mae Carrer Loan Are They Tax Deductable

under construction

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where Do They Sell Dora Backpack

Hang keys:

hang keys, low cost, even for a small-scale production.

The letters are quick to recognize its bunch of keys,

with a set of characters (Western, Japanese characters, alphabet, Arabic, Hebrew)

included in the package, you can also leave short messages


Pier Paolo Taddei


C% M, Yamakawa For



June 2009