Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Remington 870 18 Inch Barrel

Beware Patrick

Racconterovvi, but no formalized
The story of 'de n'ometto power
What he saw a co' 'n sit
great drink and said to her: "Who is' is embers?

Dovemo remedy 'quest'ingiustizzia, I
scoperolla, this is my er will "
She said:" I agree, but you know what hearts
' n risk that I know 'Patrizzi "

He scopolla, and even without gloves! And then
dimenticolla and Agnedo ar process
While she recorded the whole thing.

E mo, we see that 'I'm just stupid
Sarvar Ce ar sex Grazzi Grazzi
And the whores limb aboard!

Monteverdino fecit Anonymous July 22, 2009 in Rome


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