Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where To But Salvia In Tacoma

the Savoy, and we sing them

Recent History c 'have shown that ER
de quest'Itajia my people in them Savoy
What has driven out,
E' state, 'n'artra Vorta, cojionato.

This Savoy is now back
Pe 'racontacce mo', 'n'artra bucia
Cantanno' is singing melody
"Itajia my love, always loved thee "

That he, if I have them 'honest
Fa ride' out loud 'I'm country.
But er sovereign people is' little n 'fregnone

Pe' which allows quest'esibbizzione
'de nvece of' clear 'I am bourgeois
"A pricincipe, but it is a magna' er soap!"

Anonymous Monteverdino fecit in Rome February 25, 2010


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