Friday, April 30, 2010

Konad Nail Sold In Stores

Er is still May 1 Labor Day? Er der

"Workers all ahoy!"

screaming 'n'operaio' n vest

"E 'festa pe' us all. And 'er on May 1! "

me I look at him and say," Bonasera!

About ports' n square? Gente de passage?

Pe 'many, work is now er' na chimera,

E nun is more 'na party, but' n mirage. What do you

celebbra you '? Go 'n square and hope! "

He answered me" Yes, maybe you raggione.

But those of us my generazzione

far we have had 'n head ideal. "

I je answers: "Well, there's bad year, May 1

Er 'n square, stay certain, people will only

pe' er concert!"

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome
April 30, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Plans For A Indoor Rabbit Hutch

message President

Er President, giving his Quirinale

He thundered his legendary voice

"I speak to the entire political class

Why things go really bad

'She has made opposition constipated

class diriggente nazzionale:

You governs' and leggiferare,

and magistrates I ask the self-criticism "

So saying, co 'this message was criticized Napolitano

All castes of' our state I'm

Sirviö E? Between two and lifting 'n massage

Ringrazzierà the distinguished President

Dicenno "I ... noffink nun I care! "

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit

in Rome April 28, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hair Extension Weave Scene Hair

The dispute between those two blacks

Well, dear friends, after the debacle du

What 'giants der Monaghan powerful

staged' n the midst of 'little n' de people

Nun I Stenn er my pitiful veil.

And damn je ar Sirviö president? He has run

er bought whole parliament!

And then, der rest, nun is more 'n mystery

The nun has noffink opposizzione now!

And after ave 'annihilated opponents

(whether communities or maggistrati

employees or volunteers or simply

O deputies or senators)

Yet no one seems to be true

Mo has Sirviö of annihilation 'quell'omo black!

Anonymous Monteverdino fecit in Rome April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wedding Saying For Soda Bottle

Famo the corente mo, mo Famo splitting, or mo nun Famo noffink

I, quest'Itajia mine, I've always loved

But pe 'really has not even' na bucìa!

Pe 'So when I saw who has given

as if' na troja eg 'the way

When I saw slaughters and drugged

Affected by' n'insana disease

Agony , alone and abandoned, I consoled

co '' na my poetry.

Anch'oggi, this Italian nazzione
deserves' n de corente sonnet.

Did you see all: eg 'the What people

bit 'cambiacce the costituzzione

Nun matter whether the person worthy

What counts is only the portrona!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit
in Rome April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How Do I Tell If My Cervix Is Inflamed

The elezzioni reggionali

L 'Anonymous pe' own vocazzione

should comment risurtato er,

popular sealed urn, usually sonnet mascarzone


Just 'n little bit of immagginazzione

Without becomes' impolite

to play with a well-paced. We only

Vole 'n bit' of ispirazzione.

We try, but I know what to say nun:

Scrivemo du 'quatrains as needed

(rhymes embraced it is needed)

du triplets and their pe' end:

nun But we can, Nun and air routes ...

Me 'from the' sortanto: what a shame!

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome

April 6, 2010