Friday, April 30, 2010

Konad Nail Sold In Stores

Er is still May 1 Labor Day? Er der

"Workers all ahoy!"

screaming 'n'operaio' n vest

"E 'festa pe' us all. And 'er on May 1! "

me I look at him and say," Bonasera!

About ports' n square? Gente de passage?

Pe 'many, work is now er' na chimera,

E nun is more 'na party, but' n mirage. What do you

celebbra you '? Go 'n square and hope! "

He answered me" Yes, maybe you raggione.

But those of us my generazzione

far we have had 'n head ideal. "

I je answers: "Well, there's bad year, May 1

Er 'n square, stay certain, people will only

pe' er concert!"

Anonymous Monteverdino Fecit in Rome
April 30, 2010


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