Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cinnamon Heartburn Does Cinnamon Cause Heartburn?

It Garibbardi he knew

If talk about de 'and celebbrazzioni
Of the unity of' I'm our country: One hundred and fifty candles lit

De 'n people who have seen destroyal,

Guere, disasters, and then ricostruzzioni, Li
dreams and then I gave up the idea that if you leave
quest'Itajia bad thing in
Co 'control ... de ar place Berlusconi! It

Garibbardi he knew
Itajia What would become co
Held just 'spit

Corotta, dirty and very rude,
would say, "No! I refuse me! "
Sarvandoce this skit!

Monteverdino Fecit Anonymous May 6, 2010 in Rome


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