Saturday, March 19, 2011

Loi Em Roi Chois A Fee Of The Words

Alfio Buscaglia ... Let's take a look ...

makes perfect and in-depth analysis on the design and Moebius, after seeing the exhibition in Paris of the "Master of Masters!

Read it HERE .

Receipt Sayings Bridal Shower

The Cuna

... evolution of the "Battlefield 3", with the second part of the gameplay video:

this video, of course, is dedicated to Alex Crippa ... because I'm slowly trying to convince him to buy his PLAY3!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Swollen Salivary Glands

The Cuna (also known as Kuna, Tule, or Cuna-Cuna Indians of San Blas) are a people of language Chibcha of approximately 20,000 living in the San Blas islands , off the east coast of Panama, Colombia and the forests of the interior. ( Wikipedia )

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Green Gray Paint Color For Travertine

sospensoidi ...

... I have not said hanger.

I sospensoidi are particles, gases, liquids or solids, that are affecting the air and light frequencies, changing the speed, the spread and direction of solar radiation.

Ok, I'm the first to make examples of particles sospensoidi:


sospensoidi particles, then "bounce" the light frequencies and change its properties.
happens for example that you are back from your honeymoon and you want to smash the balls of your friends showing slides of their trip.
Attach the projector, the room and shut the light off with the first slide ... after 10 minutes of explanation, knowing that you will take at least another 256 identical to the first slide, look away from slide and try to watch something else. At this point, boredom, the focused attention on the cone of light that leaves the projector.

What is it that allows you to see that cone of light? The sospensoidi. That is, in this case, particles of "dust" which was struck by the light bounces off the projector and the brightness, making you feel the direction of the light cone.

You can see the cone of light from the projector part thanks to sospensoidi particles that bounce the light to your eyes. Without sospensoidi you will not see the light cone
Another example.
Night, dark, rain. Can you see the raindrops fall? No. But you're wet. Damned rain drops! if I saw the kick myself in the ass.
arrive near a lamp post, and you begin to see the raindrops that bounce the light from the lamp itself. It 'time of your vengeance.

You can see the raindrops that fall close to the only source of light. Because the rain, which is a sospensoide, bounce the light frequencies of the lamp in your eyes
Another example.
you get up, open the window and the city is all gray. The colors of the houses and people are all dull, sad. Why? The sky is cloudy. The wall of clouds (which are sospensoidi) between you and the sun, holds and lowers the intensity of sunlight so that little light up the houses and the people making them appear less saturated colors, the darker and colder.

In the town of Emo is always cloudy!
Another example.
Po Road. Sera. You are in the car at some point a fog bank is threatening you with his candor, the smart shot at a better shot of dazzling. But the fog is smarter you and them there pulling them back! Clear, fog is a sospensoide and if it bounces the light illuminated the changing intensity, direction and dissemination. Say hello to the plane!

Notice how you can clearly see in this picture, the cone of lamplight, irradiated and released particles bouncing off the fog!

Drive slowly!
and so on!

Got it?

The world around us is illuminated by natural and artificial light sources. But the light does not always succeed in the same way in our retina, there are a lot of particles, such sospensoidi, which interfere and change direction, intensity and spread.
Now that you know of their existence, all that is observed explained, and you can pour it in your pages.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Suction Cups How To Stick

I am preparing ...

... a post about Sospensoidi.
theoretical argument will be the last that we will. Then you will to talk a bit 'more "practical" and in any case have all the tools you need to understand our future, and more in-depth analysis.

In the meantime, I refer you to a beautiful reflection Diego Cajelli ago on his blog, HERE .
reflection that, from my point of view, I like to summarize just quoting this post:

Not much else to add, to the thoughts of the good Cajelli.

If I consider my work as a colorist, made in these 5 - 6-7 (boh?) years, rarely think of situations in which they had to make compromises. Because, basically, not the color's never cheated me that much.
Nasco design and color is my goal has always been to pursue both paths to reach a result "common", "time".
The "capacity" on the color go hand in hand to increasing concerning the technical design. And vice versa. These two elements will be the one in charge of the other, in your career, and work situations that could definitely slow you down or you will face even more than they could mislead you to awareness.
But compromise is the only business momentum, the real, your tenacity and your willingness to do.

I said it's never screwed me a lot of color, and a famous colorist. I'm very interested in the design and I have a lot of problems to be solved.

, how can I do about it?

Perhaps, I believe that the only way to do well whatever you decide to do, regardless of whether or not a funny thing, you do it with serenity, giving due weight to the responsibilities, obligations, rights, to deadlines, time, money, and all their lives.

As one day a friend of mine saggisssssssssima:

"... I, for myself, the most important person in the world because, as far as I know, when I die, the world ends ".

(maybe I wrote it better ... but the bottom line is this!):)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mount And Blade Can You Make The Breats Bigger


All we are seeing, in these times, the sad images that come from Japan.
The disappointment is great, as with any disaster, natural or "artificial", it hits any part of the planet and any people.

In these moments I always think that I have never been witness to a catastrophic natural event, fortunately.
If I enter a little 'more in the privacy of my reflection, I find, however, one thing that truly embarrasses me and makes me feel guilty.
I can not get the perception of "fear" related to these phenomena. That is, it is clear that if I had to live the real experience of an earthquake of certain proportions would be the first to cacarmi below and feel a sense of powerlessness, but if I think about it, if I try to imagine what, I can not prove "emotion" (in this case, the term "emotion" of course, used in negative sense).

This thing, of course, I "embarrassed" because it seems to me, somehow, have no respect for those who, instead, these phenomena and fear experienced them on their skin.
But it is clear that it is not.

There is a meteorological phenomenon that if we just think, if I try to imagine, without having ever lived, I am literally shaking my legs.


I hope, sincerely, you always have the good fortune that I can only imagine certain things.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Son Is 3 And Has Discharge On His Pants

Ricapitolandia! Battlefield 3

I really like to recapitulate the topics covered. I find that learning and professionalism in any field, is based in a particular way on creating a METHOD .

points to summarize, what has been said so far, is a bit 'synthesize METHOD , a series of basic steps that help us, easily, to arrive at a result.

So let's recap the highlights of the speech:

recap part 1:

- the color does not exist, but is the result of a physical process that begins with a light source hits an object, and reaches our retina. The color we see is the wavelength of light that is bounced from the object to our eye.

- are three primary colors: Cyan, Magenta and Yellow (CMY), we also have the printer at the plate K, which refers to the black in photoshop (CMY + K). For those who remain vibrant color printing is advisable to keep the lever to 0% of the K in your mixes color.

- mixing two primary colors together you get a secondary color.

- 2 colors are called complementary when their sum from the bistro. (1 primary + 1 secondary)

- complement each other are:
. cyan with orange
. magenta with green
. yellow and purple

- The 3 color properties are:
. tone brightness
. color:
temperature. Chroma: saturation

- The three properties of color are crucial to understand how the light and especially such phenomena as:
. atmospheric perspective: an object is more distant from the point of view of the more its color is: lighter, cooler and less saturated.
. Simultaneous Contrast: combining two complementary colors they "load" each other. 2 colors by combining "similar" (red and orange) they are "off" each other.

- A good color need to:
. a good design volumes in which all elements of the scene are constructed by following a logical three-dimensional shapes.
. A study of shadows. A pencil, pantone, a pen or a computer directly, it is important that the color studies the sources of light and shadows that come before starting to paint.
. excellent documentation. The collection of all images that can help us create for ourselves a mental picture of the result we want to achieve.

E 'important in the study of color and design, to absorb more "pictures" as possible, observing the reality, storing images from photo, internet, film frames, so as to create a background that gives us the most complete visual cues as possible to get better results.
In this sense it is useful to observe the new generation of video games that use of graphics engines that tend, increasingly, to represent reality as best as possible. What video game programmers get with the development of their game engines are nothing more than the same reflections on the physics of light (applied to reality, and poured out on paper / screen) we should do colorists.

I hope that I remembered everything, and if not please let intact! thanks!

recap part 2:

In recent months, has left two of my comics:

- OF , written by Alex Crippa published by Ankama
- 1066, written by Patrick Weber and published by LeLombard.

Board also buy 100 souls and the first (and only) 6 Wondercity numbers, which are comics which will be discussed very much!

recap Part 3:

arm is a ass shit.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brokencapillaries In Eyes

Another very interesting video ...

Breasts Sore With A Ruptured Cyst?


Estebans, like many of you know, is one of the artists who have contributed more to the success of arm Ass.

This was one of his last pictures, before the blog damn close.

long Este has opened a space where he publishes his brilliant art.
There is little to say, the respect that I feel for this comic is great, and I recommend to everyone (to all those who still do not know him) to follow his work!

His blog can be found HERE.

What Is The Difference In Chacos?

And Friends 2 'clear ...

... that the Japanese are geniuses.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Help Baby Ease Mucus


Fantastic Gulliver's Travels

The point is not that this film is shit.
The point is that is not directed at me. I am not part of the target to which it is intended. It 'obvious.
But there is Jack Black, who I love and which I always expect something.
E 'is also clear that Jack is trying to pursue a project focusing on public international clearance in children, or that otherwise need to do this kind of film for a purely economic aspect.

It 's a pity, though, so wasting the talent of this actor. But it is a pity to waste, since many movies ... honestly, I've never seen a Jack Black movie that I have fully complied with, except for "School of Rock"!
In any case, I love it so much that I forgive him anything.

127 hours

A good film, enjoyable (apart from the scene splatter) short, does not elaborate on anything, and that's good.
enough for me to see the Canyon in Utah and I'm already happy! James Franco bravo bravo!
I still be able to imagine such a situation if you get the urge to masturbate or not.
He had come, but then he reconsidered. But I see it hard.

The Black Swan

This is also a good movie. Portman has certainly deserved the Oscar, says in a really intense, is very good and I say this even though I absolutely do not know what are the parameters to judge an actress, if not for the size of her tits. But as the Portman in this movie, boobs do not, and I was equally excited, give her a good 10! However I find that the film is a bit 'Paraculo. Like, I think, for its "fantasy", and this, according to me, is good and bad.
I knew that the director should reboot of Robocop ... hopefully good!

Solitude of Prime Numbers

I turned off mid film. Slow and the dialogue of shit. Enough!

Film more bad ever seen in my life?

The man who came from the earth . I recommend it for its ugliness!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Do Lifetime Fitness Lifeguards Get Paid

Another key aspect

addition to studying the volumes, there is another aspect that we can not underestimate: documentation.
Ve I wrote in one of the initial post, the documentation is an essential step, both in terms of design both in terms of coloration.
It 'hard to think of good draw or paint just as well without help one's mind to process images more or less likely, through the documentation.

Here I show you what was the information I have gathered to paint the cover of the second number of 100 souls.

The design is this:

cover is "100 souls Vol 2" Ed Delcourt, Screenplay: Alex Crippa, Drawings: Alfio Buscaglia, Color: Emanuele Tenderini
The point was to be able to paint this picture, recreating the atmosphere of a possible divested operating room, especially emphasizing the coolness of the place and the tension resulting therefrom. There is little to come up here we need to find images that can help us see that we want to describe the feeling. Usually I use
THIS site. A very comprehensive database of images and especially of high quality. Using a lot, of course, Google .

course these are only minimally Apart from the photos I downloaded at that time. Of all these, and other, photos that I was able to find the chromatic aspect that interested me most was the game between the dominant Green, known to be a color "hospital" and that, in this sense , also becomes a good color for describe a situation of tension and cold, and light yellowish , in which case the cover could also give a sense of almost "old photos", a vintage finish that could definitely be curious.

All the photos you download are very useful. We're not just talking about practice use of reference images rather than others, we are talking to accumulate in our minds much information as possible, to stir from live in their entirety, and to be repaid on the drawing enjoy all aspects of narrative that might suggest . Even the photos of a doctor in the foreground, so in this case, a doctor or to the light, or an operating room in black and white, can help us live a certain atmosphere and feel the narrative value, which is why it makes sense to download multiple images possible, because it is like reconstructing a puzzle where every piece is more information in you go, more or less consciously, to use.

cover is "100 souls Vol 2" Ed Delcourt, Screenplay: Alex Crippa, Drawings: Alfio Buscaglia, Color: Emanuele Tenderini