Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Suction Cups How To Stick

I am preparing ...

... a post about Sospensoidi.
theoretical argument will be the last that we will. Then you will to talk a bit 'more "practical" and in any case have all the tools you need to understand our future, and more in-depth analysis.

In the meantime, I refer you to a beautiful reflection Diego Cajelli ago on his blog, HERE .
reflection that, from my point of view, I like to summarize just quoting this post:

Not much else to add, to the thoughts of the good Cajelli.

If I consider my work as a colorist, made in these 5 - 6-7 (boh?) years, rarely think of situations in which they had to make compromises. Because, basically, not the color's never cheated me that much.
Nasco design and color is my goal has always been to pursue both paths to reach a result "common", "time".
The "capacity" on the color go hand in hand to increasing concerning the technical design. And vice versa. These two elements will be the one in charge of the other, in your career, and work situations that could definitely slow you down or you will face even more than they could mislead you to awareness.
But compromise is the only business momentum, the real, your tenacity and your willingness to do.

I said it's never screwed me a lot of color, and a famous colorist. I'm very interested in the design and I have a lot of problems to be solved.

, how can I do about it?

Perhaps, I believe that the only way to do well whatever you decide to do, regardless of whether or not a funny thing, you do it with serenity, giving due weight to the responsibilities, obligations, rights, to deadlines, time, money, and all their lives.

As one day a friend of mine saggisssssssssima:

"... I, for myself, the most important person in the world because, as far as I know, when I die, the world ends ".

(maybe I wrote it better ... but the bottom line is this!):)


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