Friday, March 11, 2011

My Son Is 3 And Has Discharge On His Pants

Ricapitolandia! Battlefield 3

I really like to recapitulate the topics covered. I find that learning and professionalism in any field, is based in a particular way on creating a METHOD .

points to summarize, what has been said so far, is a bit 'synthesize METHOD , a series of basic steps that help us, easily, to arrive at a result.

So let's recap the highlights of the speech:

recap part 1:

- the color does not exist, but is the result of a physical process that begins with a light source hits an object, and reaches our retina. The color we see is the wavelength of light that is bounced from the object to our eye.

- are three primary colors: Cyan, Magenta and Yellow (CMY), we also have the printer at the plate K, which refers to the black in photoshop (CMY + K). For those who remain vibrant color printing is advisable to keep the lever to 0% of the K in your mixes color.

- mixing two primary colors together you get a secondary color.

- 2 colors are called complementary when their sum from the bistro. (1 primary + 1 secondary)

- complement each other are:
. cyan with orange
. magenta with green
. yellow and purple

- The 3 color properties are:
. tone brightness
. color:
temperature. Chroma: saturation

- The three properties of color are crucial to understand how the light and especially such phenomena as:
. atmospheric perspective: an object is more distant from the point of view of the more its color is: lighter, cooler and less saturated.
. Simultaneous Contrast: combining two complementary colors they "load" each other. 2 colors by combining "similar" (red and orange) they are "off" each other.

- A good color need to:
. a good design volumes in which all elements of the scene are constructed by following a logical three-dimensional shapes.
. A study of shadows. A pencil, pantone, a pen or a computer directly, it is important that the color studies the sources of light and shadows that come before starting to paint.
. excellent documentation. The collection of all images that can help us create for ourselves a mental picture of the result we want to achieve.

E 'important in the study of color and design, to absorb more "pictures" as possible, observing the reality, storing images from photo, internet, film frames, so as to create a background that gives us the most complete visual cues as possible to get better results.
In this sense it is useful to observe the new generation of video games that use of graphics engines that tend, increasingly, to represent reality as best as possible. What video game programmers get with the development of their game engines are nothing more than the same reflections on the physics of light (applied to reality, and poured out on paper / screen) we should do colorists.

I hope that I remembered everything, and if not please let intact! thanks!

recap part 2:

In recent months, has left two of my comics:

- OF , written by Alex Crippa published by Ankama
- 1066, written by Patrick Weber and published by LeLombard.

Board also buy 100 souls and the first (and only) 6 Wondercity numbers, which are comics which will be discussed very much!

recap Part 3:

arm is a ass shit.


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