Friday, March 4, 2011

Pitching Machine Rentals Toronto

is what would happen, tables of 100 souls , if I had not used the simultaneous contrast.

In the first table I tried to remove the complementary (the orange) of the dominant color of the table (green-blue).
The two results are certainly very different, and it is said that one is better or worse than the other. It depends, again, get the result you want. What you have in your head once you have collected gigabytes of images of documentation.
In this specific case, I preferred to play with the simultaneous contrast, "turning" in an important way the orange lights of the first vignette, because too monochrome a result, in my opinion, could have "boring".
From another point of view, the result monochrome, could certainly highlight even more the atmosphere of tension of the scene. In my opinion, highlight the contrast between lighting "hot" orange lights of the street, sticker 01, and illumination "cool" the interior of the house, helps to "vibrate" more of the visual narrative of the table.
Also, if observed, in addition to having used the simultaneous contrast between the first picture and the next 6, I entered the simultaneous contrast even within the first scene, where the blue sky is noisy with the orange lights of the street, which in turn "vibrate" with the green light.
In correspondence with the front of the green traffic light, of course, there are two red lights side, one of which, the left, goes to fight simultaneously, once again, the sky-blue night.
seems to have made a real case? But no, because I could think of a red light, but its light front end would be "lost" between the orange lights of the street.

In the table above you see the "zig-zag" color of ties between a cartoon and the other, alternating, in warm and cool colors of the cartoons, while between a cartoon and the other there is always a reference color that links Narrattiva between them.

In 100 souls have done so many reflections of this kind, which perhaps I never even told my friends (and of course co-authors) Alex Crippa and Alfio Buscaglia .
is strongly recommended to buy it. :)


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